Today was so fun. It was Lulu Guinness' press day at the Soho Hotel and I was working helping out. A blog post with lots of snaps of the day will come soon :)
I love that fashion is so influenced by other cultures and religions at the moment. Tomorrow I will do a post with my fashion inspiration from some of my favorite countries and religions for inspiration including India, China, Christianity and Buddhism and how other traditions and can influence us in our own style but for now I will show you my cute new top! :)
It's great to experiment and draw inspiration from all around us!
I'm in love with this tee and it was only around £10 from eBay!

Creepers: Underground / Tights: Primark / T shirt: eBay / Shorts: Levi via car boot sale

Oh here's one of the photos from Lovebox!!

HAPPY4th JULY to my beuatiful American followers!!
Have a lovely evening :)
Stay Cute,
Jessie xoxo