My boy Cumpton on the bump!
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Sucks because my usual Pirates and Pens streamer that is awesome quality will be gone for a long time.
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I'm listening to the radio
My stream sucks. I wish I could afford to get mlb.TV again
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Say Indy I've never realized I was here almost a full year before you. Look how much more you've done
Originally Posted by Beast This quote is hidden because you are ignoring this member. ://">://" onclick="kh99_iqts_show('336226_1'); return false;">Show Quote Say Indy I've never realized I was here almost a full year before you. Look how much more you've done Yeah but you are 2 years older than me. If I was here my junior year as opposed to freshman, I wouldn't be on nearly as much. This year has been hard now that I have a car and a job.
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