Charity Magazine

Fundraiser of the Month Contest

Posted on the 10 September 2012 by Mregina @justfundraising

Justfundraisings Fundraiser of the Month Contest

We are starting a monthly draw for ALL our customers. Send us a picture of your team or group plus a fundraising success story that we can publish and we will enter you into a month draw for $250! Current and past customers are both elligible.

This can be extra cash for your current school fundraising projects or just public acknowledgement for being so cool and getting the job done.
Either way you can’t loose!

Send your digital photos to [email protected]
Please make your subject line is Fundraiser of the Month Contest

With a new school year rolling in I’m sure there will be lots of chances for you to enter our contest over the next couple of months.

Good Luck!

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