It's that time of year... Apple pies, picnics and fireworks; this summer is flying by and it is already the Fourth of July. Today, we are going to share some fun ways to incorporate sparklers, both real and paper into your backyard fun.
Sparkler Writing
A message of love from All Sparks Fireworks blog
This is a really fun way to photograph yourself and some friends writing messages using sparklers. These pictures can be used for all sorts of wedding details such as Save the Date cards, invitations, even a wedding proposal.
Here's how:
- Use a camera that allows you to set the exposure manually to about 30 seconds. Place the camera on a tripod or a flat surface. NOTE: A person can not hold the camera it will be too shaky with the long exposure.
- Figure out what word or phase you'd like to photograph and make sure you have enough people for each letter. Buy the 20 or 36 inch sparklers, these will burn long enough for the person to write the letter.
- Now it's time to set up the shot. Place the camera far enough back to have enough space to write the word. Remember: Write the letter backwards so the final photo reads correctly.
- Set the aperture to f/8 and start out with a shutter speed of 30 seconds. When everyone is in place and the camera is set up correctly you are ready to click the button. Check the photo and make any adjustments if necessary.
Here's another DIY sparkler project minus the fire, which makes it a little more kid friendly.
Paper sparklers from momtastic
To create these here are the supplies you'll need.- Festive straws ( like these striped ones)
- Wooden skewers
- Vellum Paper in red, white and blue colors
- Scotch tape
- Scissors
Once you've got all the supplies just follow these directions and wha-la you've made fun and safe paper sparklers.
Is anyone is doing any fun Forth of July theme projects this week? If so, we'd love to hear about them.
Have a great holiday!