Football, though I have no problem whatsoever watching the Superbowl (I like the funny and breathtaking commercials along with the halftime show – usually), football is something that I don’t always get even though I’m from Texas – home of the laughable Dallas Cowboys and the Texans (yes that’s the name of Houston’s team and yes it is lame, I know!). However, sometimes when you combine music and football………..things get interesting!
Take for example when Amy Grant did the opening for Monday Night Football on ABC: EPIC FAIL! Therefore she must be lampooned! So I present you with this……
Top 5 things going through my head as I watch the video below
- Amy, are you related to that family on 19 Kids And Counting?
- That kid holding the football 18 seconds into the video, that’s none other than little Tim Tebow.
- 38 seconds – baby praises Jesus for a touchdown.
- As if people didn’t hear Baby, Baby enough in 1992.
- What happened to All My Rowdy Friends by Hank Williams Jr.?
- 8-9 seconds: production budget cutbacks
- If they “Stayed good friends until Monday night” did the eventually become perpetual enemies?
- RIP Amy Grant’s musical career 1975-1993
- I wonder how the audience reacted
- “Baby I realize that there’s just no getting over you” – Amy if you have a football obsession come on down to Houston, we will feed you well with a dose of the Texans and our amazing barbecue and tailgaters!
Oh well, it could be worse – like Glee’s Jane Lynch singing during the football game!
Filed under: contemporary christian, Country, other, Pop, Video Tuesday Tagged: ABC, All My Rowdy Friends, Amy Grant, Baby Baby, ESPN, Faith Hill, Football, Hank Williams Jr, Jane Lynch, Monday Night Football, National Football League, NFL, Sports, Sunday Night Football, Tim Tebow