Everyone is having fun with Newt! Over at the New Yorker site, John Cassidy, whose Rational Irrationality blog is consistently a joy to read, has solicited responses from friends and correspondents to a simple question: "What is the nicest thing you can think of to say about Newt Gingrich?" You can follow the link to his compilation; I can't repress the impulse to set down a few of my favorites.
- He and his wife both have nicely combed hair.
- Newt Gingrich is definitely less evil than Hitler.
- He's taller than James Madison.
- He hasn't shut down the government in years.
- Cheerfully provides his current wife with bling.
- His mother seemed to like him, in that interview with Connie Chung. Remember?
- For a fat man, he doesn't sweat that much.
- There's not two of him.
- He's the one to get Obama reelected.
Meanwhile, Cassidy's colleague Ryan Lizza surveys conservative opinion. These are his ideological fuck-buddies speaking. I know Romney is a bore and a toady, and that a randomly selected Republican voter is apt to be unconnected to any hinge, but, really, Newt Gingrich? Seriously? Go on!