Lifestyle Magazine

Fun Wedding Paper D.I.Y. Ideas

*Yawn* good morning guys and happy Monday. Congrats to the NY Giants on winning Super Bowl XLVI! We watched, "Cruz-salsa'd" and are happy for NYC in Chicago!
Found some D.I.Y. paper ideas you can use NOW... Think I'm going to later share some great Wedding D.I.Y. Pinterest boards I've discovered. There are not as many as you would think, but I managed to uncover some "best kept secrets" out there I think are worth your time.
Enjoy these ideas and have great weeks! I'll be back on Wednesday.
Take care,--ct

Fun Wedding Paper D.I.Y. Ideas

Wrap paper around matchbooks and write guests names out.
From: MarthaStewartWeddings

Fun Wedding Paper D.I.Y. Ideas

Not an actual craft project, but the table assignment process
takes so long, this idea should help things along!

Fun Wedding Paper D.I.Y. Ideas

From a "Library-themed" birthday party... GREAT ideas that
will add a special touch to your decor if appropriate!

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By Ketutar Jensen
posted on 19 February at 11:33

Hi! The table chart with post-its doesn't come from Viv, it's from Something Turquoise blog: I would like you to correct the link, as this has gone viral on Pinterest, and people won't be able to find the correct source. Thank you :-)