It’s no secret that I’m a huge J.R.R. Tolkien fan geek. So is Trail Dust.
Not surprisingly, both of us –separately — have already seen The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first of Sir Peter Jackson’s three movies of Tolkien’s book. And we both give it an enthusiastic “thumbs up”.

For Tolkien fans, here’s a fun short quiz to find out which Hobbit character you most resemble. Click here!

I’m told I’m a furry-footed Bilbo Baggins!
P.S. If you’re planning to see The Hobbit: AUJ, make sure you pee first ’cause the movie’s nearly 3 hours long. Also, I suggest you NOT go to the movie, expecting the Good vs. Evil Sturm und Drang of Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit takes place 60 years before LOTR, a lighter-hearted time in Middle-earth.
H/t, the best Tolkien fan site, ever.