Food & Drink Magazine

Frugal February: I Made That (and That .. and That)

By Alustforallseasons @bgstrzelczyk
Frugal February: I made that (and that .. and that)

Frugal February: I made that (and that .. and that)

Sweet potato and black bean enchiladas. Recipe here.

My resolution to kick my debt's ass combined with my subscriptions to LearnVest's bootcamps, have turned me into a money-saving monster machine. I'm calculating and recalculating every penny, calling up utility and credit card companies to lower my payments and interest rates, and not buying crap. Surprisingly, I'm having so much fun doing it. It feels like a game -- and I'm WINNING. (Yes, I can be very competitive.)
The biggest money-saver (besides boycotting CVS) has been making -- and sticking -- to a monthly food budget. Common sense, I know, but for some reason Jack and I failed miserably at this -- we both over-budgeted and overspent like crazy each month on food.
But not anymore. Now we plan our meals and bring our lunches, and it totally rules.
Even though I'm a pretty pathetic cook, I've made some delicious meals and side dishes in the past 14 days, including the pictured sweet potato and black bean enchiladas and:
We also started having a weekly taco night, which Jack estimates improves our overall household moral by 300 percent.
I have to say I agree.

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