Entertainment Magazine

From the Set: Vancouver Plays New York Once Again

Posted on the 14 December 2012 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans
For the second day running, Vancouver has played the part of New York for the filming of scenes for the hit ABC Tv Show, Once Upon a Time.

On what was a cold and wet day in Vancouver, Jennifer Morrison, Michael Raymond-James and Jared Gilmore braved the elements to film scenes for episode 14 of Once Upon a Time.

Michael Raymond-James was wearing a gray hoody and dark jacket and walked directly towards me when I got to the set, but I was too slow with my camera to take any pictures of him.

The first scene I saw filming was of Michael Raymond-James and Jennifer Morrison running into an alley way. This was a really quick scene and they only did two takes! Something that I have never scene on a Once set before. Next up was Jennifer Morrison on her own running across a busy street and almost getting hit by a NYC Taxi cab whilst chasing Michael Raymond-James’s body double towards the alley way. The first time that Jennifer ran across the street, her double showed her how to do it with her following closely behind. Then she did it on her own. The ground underneath was incredibly wet and the sidewalk was slippery, so she had to have a couple of the crew to help her stop without falling down.

Jared Gilmore appeared on set around this time, but I didn’t see him filming any scenes. He has grown quite a bit since the last time I saw him too.

For pictures go to the source: VancityFilming

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