I'm not a snooper of other's stuff. I've never been the girlfriend or wife who rifles through underwear drawers, desks or whatever... to find, relationship contraband. ( And, trust me, there were times that I probably should have )
But I gotta admit, there are some creatives, that if I were left alone in their offices, I'd totally look at everything on their bookshelves and desks. Isn't the desk sort of window into the mind, coffee rings and all? If this is true, my standing therapy appointments just got doubled.
This weekend, WSJ Magazine is doing a great photo essay showing the home offices of four men of renowned taste. Even thought they've been photo styled by the fabulously talented, Sara Ruffin Costello, there are some great products that totally reflect each of these individual's taste. And, keep in mind, Father's day is coming up. For that matter, so is Mother's day. Care for a snoop?

above: the Desk of Architectural and Landscape Designer Brian Sawyer

Interior and Product Designer, Thomas O'Brien

Photohgraphy by Francois Halard