- 3 months post baby – taken during my baby’s baptism
- At New Year Party weighing 57.7 Kgs !
Mothers who have had a C-section to deliver their babies, generally, have more difficulty losing weight and getting back in shape. A C-section is a major operation that involves cutting through abdominal muscles, blood loss and a much longer recovery period. Not only do the abdominals need to recover from being stretched out, the incision and stitches also require time to heal. This is my experience of weight loss post C section.
I had a C-section and very honestly I didn’t work too much on my weight loss, it slowly started shedding off with time. A positive approach which includes two things – PATIENCE & THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR - the key to all doors. Weighty issues should never be a depression catalyst.
It took me 9 months to reach 72kgs, will it not take time for the reversal process???
And yes, the weight number cannot declare that you are heavy or light, since there are people who look thin but due to their heavy muscles and dense bones, it adds to the kgs and vice-versa. Infact, the ones having dense bones have low chances of falling prey to Osteoporosis or broken bones later in life! Congrats!
I was never in a hurry to lose weight and had a good post-pregnancy diet. I have never even followed a strict Diet or exercise regimen because I am not at all a disciplinarian. Currently my baby is 13 months old and I weigh 57.7 kgs. I make it a point to eat everything but in moderation, which satisfies my cravings and also doesn’t add to my calories.
Weight Loss Post C Section – My Diet Regime
Here is my routine:
- 6:00 AM - Green tea soon after brushing my teeth
- 7:00 AM - Breakfast which comprises of 1 chappati with any vegetable or pulses / Corn flakes / Eggs / Idli
- 8:30 AM - Tea at school (with minimal sugar)
- 10:00 –10:30 AM - Roasted Mamra (Puffed rice) / Poha (Pressed rice) / Any fruit / Peanuts / Marie or Digest Biscuits / Khakhra / Mathiya
- 1:00 PM - Lunch (Whatever served in our School Canteen)
- 4:00 PM - After returning home, a glass of milk
- 5:00 PM - Roasted Mamra (Puffed rice) / Roasted Poha (Pressed rice) / Any fruit / Peanuts / Marie or Digest Biscuits / Khakhra / Mathiya
- 7:30 PM - Dinner which generally comprises of either 3 chappatis + any vegetable or pulses or non-veg / Rice + any vegetable or pulses or non-veg.
- Before bedtime - A spoonful of dashmoolarishta with warm water for smooth digestion and easy bowel movement
Since I am still breastfeeding my baby – I make it a point to eat healthy food, minimal sugar and less intake of junk food. Of course, I have my indulgences once a week
So girls, this was my story of weight loss post C section and I would love to know your journey too…..
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