Fashion Magazine

Friday’s Fab Find: The Home T

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Friday’s Fab Find: The Home TSo many times people present me with products and services to consider for a Fab Find. Some of them have me shrieking "You expect people to give you money for that?" When Bridgette Raes suggested this great T shirt we really should feature I literally rolled my eyes. Fine it's a t shirt. Is there anything special about it?

Yes! Turns out it's a really freaking awesome t shirt and everybody should have one! The Home T is a great way to have a little bit of home with you always.

Home Tees feature a picture of the place you call home on a field of super soft grey cotton. They have all fifty US states, plus Puerto Rico, and a number of continents and countries. I really want a United Kingdom T, even though I've never been there, just because the outline of the UK is really cool looking.

Don't wear T shirts? That's fine, the images come on tote bags, hats, decals, hoodies and my personal favorite, pillows! When I buy my own home (it WILL happen) I want to get an Arizona pillow (where I was born, something I admit freely despite the fact that it's the been called the worst state ever ) and a Washington Pillow for the place I grew up.

I can see these making amazing graduation gifts or for people who are moving (or have moved). They are just so much fun! They even have some amazing 'statement' shirts that say "Native" on the Texas outline or "My Y'all is authentic" on the Southern States.

So these T shirts are fun and ridiculously soft, they are manufactured in the USA and if that wasn't enough they donate part of their profits to multiple sclerosis.

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