Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? It’s blue because the light from the sun is blue. The blue light saturation is at its peak in the morning hours with the rays literally signaling our brain, “it time to wake up!”
Now with artificial lighting, smartphones, and laptops, exposure to blue light has the potential to interrupt our circadian rhythms making it difficult for us to sleep. Is there a blue light in your bathroom? When you get up at night to pee, even just a few minutes of exposure can signal your brain that it’s time to wake up. Bottom line, because artificial lights can introduce melatonin-suppressing blue-light that tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime it makes it harder to shut down for sleep.
SORAA Light Bulbs
Traditional energy-efficient LED bulbs pump out invisible blue light. Sure, they look white but the light it actually blue. Replacing them with SORAA lightbulbs, the only LED light bulb with ZERO BLUE light that supports a natural circadian sleep cycle, emitting the light your body needs to settle down in the hours before bedtime. SORAA provides beautiful soft white light that eliminates buzzing and is dimmable. They belong in any room you spend time in the evening hours, so your body can ease toward restful sleep. Find out more about SORAA here.
But you want energy efficiency, right? SORAA lightbulbs can last up to 20 years with an average daily use of 3 hours which will run you about $2 a year in electricity costs.

Other tips for good sleep
Blue light coming from our smartphones or laptop will signal us it’s time to wake up. While there are special glasses you can buy to block blue light, the best tip for good night’s sleep is to cut off screens one hour before bedtime. It’s not just the light, the mental stimulation of crafting the perfect tweet or reading this weeks’ recap of Big Little Lies can make it difficult for your brain to wind down.
Live in a busy city? You might want to invest in a white noise machine to drown out traffic or music coming from the street.