Health Magazine

Friday Night Eating

By Healthhungry @Healthhungry
Friday Night EatingHello, and Happy Saturday to you!  Do you see what I am holding in my hot little hand right there?
Friday Night EatingI treated myself to a 12oz. split shot soy latte yesterday before my errands.  That's right, I had one shot of caffeine!(Insert Angel Chorus here)  Seriously, I drank that like it was a shot of booze, I practically slammed it... it feels good to know that it's a choice, not a requirement.  You know?
Friday Night EatingI ate a Lara bar to tide me over - they go so well with coffee too.  Cashew used to be my favorite flavor, but I am a fan of the peanut butter cookie, and lemon flavor now too.
Friday Night Eating I still had to get in my green smoothie!  In the (Vita)mix:
-2 cups spinach
-1 scoop greens
-1 scoop protein powder
-almond milk
Friday Night EatingGraham had a goodbye party he attended for a friend at a pizza parlor last night, I thought it only fair that I have pizza too!  I cooked up my favorite gluten free pie and may or may not have eaten the whole thing...  Portion control has not happened, yet.  Progress not perfection - trust me I felt the pain of my choice still 3 hours after eating it.  When I overeat now, I notice that the second portion - or the "too much" part doesn't even taste good.  In fact, I am usually eating it too fast to really savor and enjoy it anyway.  Old habits die very slowly but I know they can be overcome - what's done is done.
Do you have any favorite tips for portion control?  Are their certain foods that are more difficult to say no to after you've had a serving?  

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