Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Loving Like I Always Do

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
This week went by pretty quickly. But don't they all?
I love looking back at the week and remembering all of the little things that made it special.
SO what better way to do that than by linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five for Friday! Here are my top 5 favorite things from the week :)
My little blog hit 1,000 GFC members this past weekend! I was so excited to see that. I don't do it for the numbers, but it sure is nice to see that what I'm putting my heart into is growing. My goal was to have 100 GFC members by December of this year...consider that goal beyond conquered. Thank you :)
Friday Loving Like I Always Do

My "baby" brother turned 21 this week! We got the family together and went to Olive Garden for dinner. We don't get together very often so when we do I really make sure to appreciate it! Plus Olive Garden is one of my favorite! That sangria was delicious, in case you were wondering.
Friday Loving Like I Always Do

I finally found a peanut butter that is all natural that tastes good. And let me tell you, I mean GOOD! Crunchy coconut and peanut butter spread...get in my belly! This stuff is 100% natural, vegan & gluten free.

Friday Loving Like I Always Do via

Tuesday night I stayed at Adam's pretty late playing Killer UNO with some of our friends. That game is addicting...I wanted to keep playing until I won! Which never happened, by the way...sad day, ha!
Friday Loving Like I Always Do
I've been on the hunt for a product that gives my fine/limp hair some body without weighing it down. I've only used this stuff once this week, but I think this could be a winner!

Friday Loving Like I Always Do via

Happy weekend, lovelies :)
Do something worth remembering!

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