Family Magazine
I've been working on a new article, Abstract Art with Children. Here were my top 3 project picks I featured in the article:
Abstract Stamp It Art, I did this project beginning of last summer with Cy. Using kitchen tools/ utensils & recyclables and toys Cy dipped them in paint and stamp them on his paper making a composition.
DIY printmaking using styrofoam meat trays, dull pen or pencil to draw on. Haven't done this one with Cy yet but it's on the list- photo/project link
If you have a salad spinner in your kitchen you HAVE to do this project with your kids. I've done it with Cy and the EXPLORE ART class- haven't posted about it yet sorry. Cut paper to fit and drop paint into spinner let the kids go. So much fun, image/project link A Little Bit of Sunshine Blog.Subscribe in a reader
Abstract Stamp It Art, I did this project beginning of last summer with Cy. Using kitchen tools/ utensils & recyclables and toys Cy dipped them in paint and stamp them on his paper making a composition.
DIY printmaking using styrofoam meat trays, dull pen or pencil to draw on. Haven't done this one with Cy yet but it's on the list- photo/project link
If you have a salad spinner in your kitchen you HAVE to do this project with your kids. I've done it with Cy and the EXPLORE ART class- haven't posted about it yet sorry. Cut paper to fit and drop paint into spinner let the kids go. So much fun, image/project link A Little Bit of Sunshine Blog.Subscribe in a reader
posted on 26 February at 17:38
ابو كريم زجاج سكوريت 01222684200 - 01009656507 حتي 4975968 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته / الاخوة الاعزاء اصحاب القرى السياحية و المنتجعات و اصحاب المحلات ومهندسين الديكور وكل من يبحث عن التمبز ابو كريم للزوجاج المقسى المقاوم للكسر والمريات 16 ش ابى الفداء العطارين الاسكندرية / جمهورية مصر العربية نحن نقوم بتركيب واجهات المحلات وكبائن الشور والاسقف المرسومة والمضيئة وبتارين العرض والارضيات الزوجاجية المرسومة والمضيئة ووجهات الشركات والحوائط الزوجاجية بكل الوانها وتقسيم الاماكن والمولات بلازوجاج السيكوريت وكل ديكور المريات /كما لدينا جميع اكسسوارات السيكوريت.