Fashion Magazine

Friday Favourites

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
Friday Favourites
I thought I would share with you some bits from the Internet that we have been enjoying in our household this week. (It also allows me to indulge my geeky side today!!).
Both me and my husband enjoy watching films and sometimes like to listen to the commentaries that are very commonplace these days on DVD and Blu-Ray releases but we have now taken this one step further.
Friends In Your Head
My husband stumbled across this site whilst looking for film commentaries, where you can find podcasts for a huge number of films. They are done by a group of friends who have all had some involvement in the film industry so they know their stuff. We have listened to quite a few including Harry Potter all you need to do is pop your film in your player and then they tell you when to press play and away you go. The more you listen to the more you get to know the people behind the podcasts as they are like a little family and it brings a new dimension to films you love.
Giant Bomb Quick Look Velvet Sundown
We have been huge fans of Giant Bomb for a while now- if you are not familiar they are an American website who do video game reviews and are just generally very funny!
They do what are called quick looks where they will sit and play a new game, and this time it was Velvet Sundown. I don't want to give too much away but this had me and hubby in hysterics, it has to be the strangest video game ever- check out the voice acting!
Tomb Raider Blundering
I think it is fair to say that Youtube is very popular in our house in fact I think my husband watches more on Youtube than he does on TV! He came across a fantastic youtuber by the name of Njenkin who amongst other things is currently doing a series of videos called Tomb Raider Blundering. Now because of my age I can remember the excitement surrounding Tomb Raider when it first came out as there was nothing else like it, but I never finished it as it was so bloody hard! Watching these videos is great as it brings back so many memories and I can't wait to see the end of the game which I never got to! I also love his commentary as he plays or blunders through the levels, so for any Lara Croft fans out there this one is for you!

The Doctor Visits Minecraft in 'Ender the Doctor'
This was always going to be a huge hit in our house as it combines Minecraft and Doctor Who (Minecraft is loved by my son and husband and I adore Doctor Who). I came across this after it was shared on Facebook by Anglophenia. I won't spoil it all I can say is go and watch!

Star Wars 7 News
Ever since it was announced that Star Wars was coming back there has been much excitement in our house and if you want to keep up to date then the best place is Star Wars 7 News. They have loads of updates, videos and the odd sneaky look at some of the spaceships what more could a Star Wars fan want!!

What have you been enjoying this week?
Friday Favourites

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