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Friday Favorites

By Thedreamery

Friday FavoritesSpent a gloomy afternoon crafting

Brisker days this past week, feel like Fall is nearing too soon, and I’m dreading the end of Summer. The carefree days, and weekends spent enjoying the great outdoors as long as the sunshine allows us. Instead of focusing on the negative and how much I don’t enjoy the cooler months, I’m learning to appreciate the change of seasons as Mother Nature’s cycle of life. Although there isn’t much the eye can see, below in the soil, much life is living and thriving. I guess nature goes into hibernation much like bears do, but I’m not ready to do so. And even though I can’t walk too normal yet, there’s much to enjoy this beautiful weekend. Whether I’ll got to the farmer’s market, a nice dinner, or simply relax in the garden prepping my work for colder months, I hope your weekend is just as lovely.

Friday Favorites
I’ve been taking lots of photos of Marley lately, but the night’s light was perfect
Friday Favorites
The details of beautiful garden flowers
Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset
There have plenty of yellow squash and zucchini from the garden, working on some new dishes
Friday Favorites
Food tastes so much better when homegrown and picked, tomatoes, cucumbers, swiss chard, and cilantro from the garden made this summer salad delicious
Friday Favorites
A few new beauty products and the new issue of Martha are the way to start a new week
Friday Favorites
Celebrated National S’mores Day with one made with organic dark chocolate and Belgian waffle cookies
Friday Favorites
A healthy chocolate strawberry yogurt breakfast with a special love mug, given to one of my best friend’s in college. So excited as she starts her new blogging journey with The New Fit!

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