You couldn’t ask for a more perfect first week of summer, and way to end the work week that seemed to drag on. The sun is shining brightly over the Hudson River as boats sail by, and the desire to be outside is just too much for me to contain. Entering back into the corporate world hasn’t been easy, I’m still trying to balance my life between commuting to work in NYC, then having time, and energy, when I come home to get a workout in, make and eat dinner, and prep everything to do it all over again the next day. And somehow in those 3 hours or so of rushing, I still haven’t figured out how to fit in gardening, blogging, errands and much-needed time to just relax and live my own life. All I think about is the next time I will be able to venture outdoors, and not to the busy streets, but the tranquility of Central Park, even if it’s only for a mere hour. I know I’ll get the hang of it soon, at least I have to, because I’ll admit I feel this city is sucking the life out of me a bit. As if I’m losing a part of who am I because I don’t do daily things that make me happy, one of the biggest things which is writing on my blog. New York City is a beautiful thriving city, with so many new and exciting things to take upon, but the “always on the go” lifestyle just isn’t for me, which is why I’ve been devoting my weekends to doing things I want to do on my own terms and make me happy, including spending carefree time with loved ones and feeding my creativity. My life has been pretty busy lately, but it hasn’t been anything short of bright and happy. I’m getting a better grip of this lifestyle, so I can’t wait to share some lovely inspiration with you soon. Hope you enjoy the weekend, as for me, I’ll be recharging and getting salty at the beach and just being me! {image above}
Starting each morning with a nutrient rich smoothie always make me feel good
Nothing makes me happier then seeing the garden overflowing with life
Gifted myself with the Alex and Ani Create Peace of Mind bracelet supporting the PeaceLove Foundation, raising awareness for mental illnesses. While, my dear cousin gifted me with the Alex and Ani Lotus Peace Petals necklace
My travel essentials {see here, here and here for just a snippet of my amazing trip to Rivera Maya}