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Friday Favorites

By Thedreamery

IMG_7756It’s my first full day in Portugal, so naturally this week would’ve consisted mostly of prepping for a three-week vacation in another country, but it was quite the opposite. Summers in Portugal are a much easier trip to pack than fall or winter, choosing clothes is quite easy for me. The week instead consisted of me trying to enjoy the rare sunny days, spending time with J, and tending to the garden. I’m hoping that I come back and can still eat some of the vegetables, but at the rate the cucumbers are growing, who knows. I really just have been savoring every bit of summer.

Maybe it’s because I was going away that my brain was already on a slight vacation, but gardening, going on runs and long walks with Marley, and taking the time to pick my own lunch became a bit more important to me than reading up on current event news and trends. I’m sure that most Americans are feeling the same considering 4th of July is tomorrow, and most have checked out from a short work week to lakes, the beach and outdoor barbecues. No, Portugal doesn’t join in with fireworks, of course, so I might need to whip up some classic american pies to celebrate here. I think as Americans we have much to celebrate this Independence day, especially now that marriage is legal for all! Love is love no matter what gender, how old or your ethnicity, and who is the government to stop that, right? Love will always win! Hope you all have a wonderful, safe, fun and relaxing 4th of July holiday! 

Friday Favorites
Mini arrangements with flowers leftover from this bridal shower
Friday Favorites
Astilbe blooms and garden views. There was plenty of pink in the garden this past week, and it so happened to be National Pink Day, who even knew the color had a day?!
Friday Favorites
Calla Lillies in the garden are definitely a special, and rare treat

Friday Favorites
Just a peek at what’s growing in the garden
There is nothing better than growing your own food, and living a sustainable life. 
This past weekend J and I went on beer tasting sailing trip aboard the Clipper City Charter, which took us sailing around New York City, past the Brooklyn Bridge to the Jersey City Harbor and even to the Statue of Liberty. Although, the clouds were just waiting for us to finish our sailing trip to starting raining, it was definitely a fun afternoon! Kelso brewery, from Brooklyn, was the highlighting brewery where we sipped on five different delicious brews, while sailing . I love sailboats, a love that was already born within me having a father who grew up on the beach and passionate about all things nautical, so it was great to have been able to do this with J. 
After our sail, we headed to South St. Seaport, where Brooklyn’s famous foodie flea market, Smorgasburg has setup delicious huts there too. Lately, if there is a lobster roll available I will eat it, and so cuddled underneath an umbrella picnic table, we enjoyed our extremely fresh and loaded lobster rolls from Red Hook Lobster, and sipped Moscow Mules while keeping dry. I’m totally on the hunt for my favorite roll this summer! The rain did calm down a bit, so we decided to walk around the new World Trade Center memorial before heading back home. For someone who lives right across the river, and had family in the city that unforgettable day, seeing thousands of tourists and what they had recreated was quite surreal, and unexplainable, but I am glad we did get to see all they’ve been working on. If you’re in New York City, I highly recommend taking one of Manhattan by Sails’ trip around the city this summer, it’s definitely fun and gives you a new look on this city that never sleeps!

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