I took my new 'leather' skirt out for a test run this weekend!It's a new piece from Target's Who What Wear Collection
I paired it with this fun graphic sweater
I picked up at Sun Dancer in Del Mar.

I finally freshened up my carry makeup.
I swear by Chanel's Vita Lumiereaqua foundation,It has beautiful coverage and is perfect for my dry skin.
Another trusted favorite of mine is my Cel de Peau concealer.It's the very best one I've ever found!

Have you seen the shoe line by Kendal and Kylie?I'm kind of obsessed with the brandas I think they are a wonderful design and quality for the price point!

My beaded clutch and tassel earrings are from one of my favorite shopsin San DiegoLe Bel Age BoutiqueIt's the same lovely boutique I find my fabulous kimonos.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life