Who said wind turbines could not be beautiful? This is a view across corn fields I took this weekend on my visit to Southern Sweden (where they are much more on the ball with investing in renewables so should be a real inspiration to us here in Dorset and the UK):

The old mill used here for food and the new mill used for energy shows wind power spanning the centuries and gathering natural carbon-less wind.
I have also come across this information on ‘Wind Farms FAQ’ by Hampshire Energy Group, who point out that “almost everyone has a strong opinion about wind farms and their impact on the environment. Unfortunately we usually have only partial information upon which to build that opinion. As a result, debates can break down as positions become polarised.”
They share a report produced by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), an independent national charity that gives advice and undertakes research and policy analysis.
You can download the “Common Concerns about Wind Power” report here >>
Hampshire Energy Group say that “Of all renewable energy sources, wind power is unique. It is ready now, is widely distributed throughout the world, and can provide enough energy to make a real difference. By 2020, wind power alone can displace more than a third of the UK’s current annual CO2 emissions from electricity generation and over 10% of the UK’s total CO2 emissions. It has clear benefits, but are there any downsides?…”
They say that “Some people like the look of wind turbines, others don’t. But nationally, over 64% of people support them.”
For their considered thoughts and opinions on wind farms, backed up by real evidence visit: www.hampshire-energy.co.uk/wind-farms
We have also produced our own FAQs on Wind Power you can read here: www.dorsetenergized.co.uk/energy/wind-power