Freedom. More accurately, the feeling of freedom. To live a creative live feeling free. One of the main reasons why I live as I do. That feeling is possibly what I have chased all my life although I have become majorly sidetracked at times.
The kick of feeling free. Nothing like it for me. The more I do this somewhat dangerous ‘drug’ the more I dislike any form of everyday life and routine. Seriously dislike any form of planning and organization. Just want to travel the universe.
New Mexico is unique in this aspect. Flying the RaveMobile through wide open wild spaces under a harsh hard desert sun. On the Road. For me; magic feeling of freedom. Mad and Magic Raving. Nomad Photographer. Yes, I can do this crazy way of life, make it work, defy gravity. No alternative. Allonsy. Geronomi. Onwards and Forwards.

(I do also need coffee and burgers for fuel besides freedom – a café at the end of the universe is always worth a stop)