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Free Printable Friday: Summer Time Fun!

By Vixenmade @vixenMade
As I get ready to head to the lake for the first time this year, I'm in a 'summer lovin' kinda mood.  So I figured I'd pull together some of my favorite summertime printables.  Hope you enjoy and hope your plans for this weekend are just as fun!  
Here we go:

Add some super cute printable beach bag tags from Jones Design Company.  Perfect for the beach or even those swimming lessons for the kids!

jdc 12

Nothing says summer than some bright, friendly flowers.  So why not incorporate it into some fabulous party printables!  I just love these.. especially the colors!  Check them out at Ellinee.

Free Printable Friday: Summer Time Fun!

Here's another fun party printable that's colorful and fun.  Plus, who doesn't love bunting nowadays?  Find them at The Pretty Blog.

Summer Celebration Stationery Summer Celebration Collection {DIY}

My kids aren't at a reading level yet, but I have to remember this when they are.  Scratch that.  I'll just use them for me since my list is growing!  Find the summer reading log printables at Simple As That.

Free Printable Friday: Summer Time Fun!

Need some awesome summertime art?  I love the look of these printables from The Latest Find.  So fresh and breezy!

Free Printable Friday: Summer Time Fun!

And last, but not least, a summer bbq printable collection from Pizzazzerie.  They'd be great for just a casual get together or a full out summertime party!

free summer grill party printables

Well, I'm off to do some last minute packing.  Have a fantastic weekend, friends!

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