To watch the video #freehappyiranians click on the LINK
Group allegedly involved in a video based on the song Happy, which inspired fans around the world to make their own versions .Iranian Pharrell Williams fans were detained over "obnoxious" video ."Iran is a country where being "happy" is a crime," tweeted Iranian journalist Golnaz Esfandiari, reacting to the arrests. Many Iranian users on Twitter were using #freehappyiranians to call on the Iranian authorities to release those arrested in connection with the video.Random Magazine
Three men and three women danced unveiled to #Pharrell Williams' smash hit in a video that was widely shared on social media, According to Campaign Executive Director Hadi Ghaemi. “If it is now a criminal act for youth to show their happiness in Iran, then law enforcement, and the hardline centers of power they represent, must really be running scared. This is exactly the kind of moment when Rouhani must take a stand,” And I second Hadi Ghaemi are with me ??