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Four Corners by Kristin Durfee

By Lauriej
Four Corners by Kristin Durfee
Four Corners by Kristin Durfee
Four Corners by Kristin DurfeeFour CornersFour Corners Trilogy Book 1by Kristin DurfeeGenre: YA Fantasy
Levi always knew he was different. The fact that he could smash a light bulb without touching it was only one clue, but he’s about to find out how special he really is…Sought after by those in a magical land, he meets Aura, Queen of Esotera. Her kingdom is in trouble and he’s the only one who can help. But the powerful sorcerer who cursed Esotera will not give up easily. A collision of magic and fates, sealed long ago, will catapult the two into a race to save Aura’s kingdom. Will they make it in time, or will they lose everything they love, and possibly both their lives?
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Four Corners by Kristin Durfee

It all happened so quickly. The sound of movement was all around them and Aura was terrified. This was it. This was the moment they had been preparing for and hoping would never happen, though it felt all wrong. They were expecting any type of ambush to occur when they were either close to the portal or in the other world. Instead, they were only a half-day’s ride from the center of the kingdom, in woods that were protected by her guards. There should not be bands of outlaws here. The only danger they should be facing should be from Winester, but there was no way he had caught up with them. Her eyes were trying, to no avail, to adjust to the low light. The sounds, though! The sounds kept continuing until she felt dizzy. They seemed to be coming from everywhere. An army, she thought. It sounded like an army trampling the ground around them.“Resbuca,” she said again in a panicked voice.“Quiet.”She felt Resbuca move beside her and felt another body saddle to her other side. Kolas breathed heavily, his own panic making him lose his breath. She felt the other bodies close in on her as well in a reassuring protective manner. As much as she wanted them to run and save themselves, she was embarrassed to admit she needed this crush around her to keep her from screaming.

The sounds were now coming faster and closer. Aura took a deep breath and prepared herself for whatever onslaught was to come. She didn’t even have time to react when the bag was placed over her head. A second later, she felt a sharp pain coupled with a loud crack and everything went to black.
Four Corners by Kristin Durfee
Four Corners by Kristin Durfee
Two WorldsFour Corners Trilogy Book 2
Four years after his adventures in Esotera, Levi’s life is unrecognizable. Now an accomplished author for his “fantasy” story Saving Esotera, a visit from someone he never expected to see again has put his new future in jeopardy. Esotera again needs his help. Familiar faces, along with some new ones, greet him upon his return, but it’s not all happy homecomings. A threat from their past is rising to power.Will Levi, Aura, and the rest of our heroes be able to defeat their enemies once and for all? Or will it not just be Esotera at stake, this time, but the world as well?
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Four Corners by Kristin DurfeeLevi chuckled and looked over at Theirra. He could see something else in her eyes—past the grief, even deeper down. It seemed like a desperation hid in them. For what? It could not be just for Emily. Could they have gotten that close in the years since Levi had left? Revenge, he concluded. She wanted to get back at the person who took her love away. That had to be it. Emily was probably not even in any real danger. It probably was gypsies or whatever Aura had said, but Theirra wanted a war. Another war. A war for him.“Theirra—” he started, his voice low and soft, but she held up her hand.“This has nothing to do with him,” she said bitterly. “I know I am right. I just need to convince Aura of it. If you come back with me, she will realize that I am correct and something needs to be done to protect not only Esotera, but the entire Four Corners.”He sighed again. Did he owe them all something? Did he owe Theirra anything? He walked into their life and battled to save a land he was, unknown to him, the heir of. He came close to losing them that land as well. He’d been kidnapped and brainwashed. Aura had almost lost everything, but he escaped and Emily found him. She found him and brought him back to his senses and they were able to help save Esotera. Levi came back home and wrote about his adventure, his true adventure, and audiences fell in love with the characters as he had. Did he owe it to them, the people who had enabled him to actually make something out of his life? “I can give you one week,” he said, “but then I must come back. I have a life here. I will do what I can to help find her, but then I must come back.” He gathered his thoughts. “I need to know, what makes you think we will be able to find Emily? And if we do, what hope will we have in getting her back safely? Someone clearly wants her for something. How can you assure me that we will be successful?” A smile broke out on her face. “I will do better than that,” she said, “I will show you.”

Four Corners by Kristin Durfee
Kristin Durfee grew up outside of Philadelphia where an initial struggle with reading blossomed into a love and passion for the written word. She has also been a writer since a very young age, writing short stories and poems, though now is focusing on longer works. She is currently working on several short stories and a novel for adults.
Kristin currently resides outside of Orlando, FL, and when not enjoying the theme parks or Florida sun, she spends most of her time with her husband, son, and their quirky dogs.
She is a member of the Florida Writers Association.
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