![Forces Favoring the New World Order are Failing [courtesy Google Images]](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/154/1545206/forces-favoring-the-new-world-order-are-faili-L-ZInlbE.jpeg)
[courtesy Google Images]
Whenever two homosexuals argue, they call each other a “fag” or a “queer”. Homosexuals know from personal experience that it hurts to be called a “fag” or “queer”.Likewise, whenever two Negroes fight, the first thing they call each other is “nigger”. They know they’ve been hurt by being called a “nigger” and therefore assume that’s the insult they want to use to hurt other Negroes.
And, when two unintelligent people argue the first insult they reach for is to call each other “stoopid”.
When it comes to insults, we throw the stones that we know hurt from personal experience. Homosexuals know that it it hurts to be called a “fag” so that’s an insult they like to use against others. Negroes know it’s hurt them to be called “nigger” and so that’s the #1 insult they use against other Negroes.. Dummies know it hurts to be called “dumb” so that’s the insult they hurl against others.
My point is that there’s little in life that’s as revealing about a man’s self-image and true nature as his insults. If I can hear a man’s insults, I’ll have a very good idea of who he really is. The insults we hurl at others expose us like nothing else.
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein is a Jordanian prince. He’s married to an American woman from Texas who’s a global maternal health activist. Prince Zeid is the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights. It’s apparent that Prince Zeid and his wife are globalists who advocate one-world government and the New World Order.
Prince Zeid recently spoke at a globalist gala where he condemned and insulted what he called a growing cadre of “nationalist populists“ (which included Donald Trump and Great Britain’s Nigel Farage). Zeid complained these “nationalist populists” were using “tactics similar” to ISIS (the Islamic terror organization) to frighten and attract followers who would work against globalists and the New World Order.
In fact, the term “nationalist populists” may be new. Trump, Farage et al who oppose the New World Order are clearly “populists” rather than elitists. However, Prince Zeid opted to describe them as “nationalist populists”. I’m guessing that his purpose for using the additional word “nationalist” was to hearken back to the Nazi’s who were “National Socialists” and thereby smear the current, anti-globalist “populists” with a slur that might be more appropriate for the globalists, themselves.
In the process of condemning the world’s “nationalist populists,” Prince Zeid inadvertently revealed a great deal about himself and the New World Order.
• However, before he got around to insulting the “nationalist populists,” Prince Zeid described himself as “a sort of nightmare” to the populists because he defends the rights of asylum seekers, gays, women and the disabled while being a Muslim “who is, confusingly to racists, also white-skinned; whose mother is European and father, Arab.”
I’m something of a populist, but I don’t see Zeid as a nightmare. I see him as something of a clown and perhaps a man troubled by his own internal contradictions.
Nevertheless, it’s interesting that Prince Zeid seems to see himself as a “man for all seasons” and perhaps even a “caped crusader” out to frighten the forces opposed to a One World Government.
• Turning from himself to target the “nationalist populists,” Zeid warned that they rely on,
“The proposition of recovering a supposedly perfect past. It’s a fiction; its merchants are clever cheats.”
In other words, Zeid complains that “nationalist populists” in any country gain followers by rejecting one-world government and instead advocating a return to the “good old days”. Zeid claims the nationalists’ reverence for a “perfect past” exploits a public longing for a previous time that never really existed.
He might be right.
But, if the nationalist populists’ notion of a “perfect past” is a fiction, so is the globalists’ notion of a “perfect future” under the New World Order. Thus, Zeid and his fellow globalists are also “clever cheats”.
Just as homosexuals reveal themselves by calling their enemies “fags,” Prince Zeid’s description of populists as “clever cheats” may have even more application to himself and the New World Order.
• Speaking at the Peace, Justice and Security Foundation gala in The Hague, Zeid described opponents one-world government as, “populists, demagogues and political fantasists“. He panned Netherlands politician Geert Wilders’ for using “lies and half-truths, manipulations and peddling of fear”.
If my notion about insults is valid, by condemning Geert Wilders for “lies and half-truths, manipulations and peddling of fear,” Prince Zeid inadvertently revealed the standard operating procedures for the New World Order.
“What Mr. Wilders shares in common with Mr. Trump, Mr. Viktor Orban [of Hungary], Mr. Miloš Zeman [of the Czech Republic], Mr. Norbert Hofer [of Austria], Mr. Robert Fico [of Slovakia], Madame Le Pen [France], and Mr. Farage [Great Britain], he also shares with Da’esh“—an Arabic pejorative for the Islamist terrorist group ISIS
Zeid has a point. What do the “nationalist populists” of various countries have in common with ISIS? They all despise being subservient to outside influence or foreign invasions. They all reject the New World Order.
Prince Zeid implies that all who oppose globalism are “terrorists”. For me, he thereby reveals much about the true nature of the New World Order. It intends to dominate the world at any cost—including the use of lies or brute, terrifying force—if that’s what’s required to subject the people to one-world government.
• “All [nationalist populists] seek in varying degrees to recover a past, halcyon and so pure in form, where sunlit fields are settled by peoples united by ethnicity or religion—living peacefully in isolation, pilots of their fate, free of crime, foreign influence and war. A past that most certainly, in reality, did not exist anywhere, ever. Europe’s past, as we all know, was for centuries anything but that.”
But what are the globalists selling if not a fictional future where we will all be “free of crime, foreign influence, and war”?
Look at the name of the organization that hosted the gala where Zeid spoke: It was the “Peace, Justice and Security Foundation”.
Gee, who could be against a future marked by “Peace, Justice and Security”? Only crazy people would reject such noble objectives.
But, likewise, only crazy people would think that such objectives could be universally achieved in this life. The globalists are at least as big a bunch of con-artists as they claim the nationalist populists to be.
• “…Populists use half-truths and oversimplification—the two scalpels of the arch propagandist, and here the internet and social media are a perfect rail for them, by reducing thought into the smallest packages: sound-bites, tweets. Paint half a picture in the mind of an anxious individual, exposed as they may be to economic hardship and through the media to the horrors of terrorism. Prop this picture up by some half-truth here and there and allow the natural prejudice of people to fill in the rest. Add drama, emphasizing it’s all the fault of a clear-cut group, so the speakers lobbing this verbal artillery, and their followers, can feel somehow blameless.”
I’ll bet that Prince Zeid knows about “half-truths and over-simplification” as devices to deceive the public because he and the globalists rely on those same devices to deceive to mislead the world.
Likewise, Prince Zeid’s complaints about the “internet” and “social media” suggest that two of the N.W.O.’s targets for regulation, restriction or even elimination will be the “internet” and “social media”. Zeid et al see the internet and social media as sources of truth (or at least opinion) that threatens to the N.W.O..
Prince Zeid said the “nationalist populists’” formula for resisting one-world government is to “make people, already nervous, feel terrible; then emphasize it’s all because of a group, lying within, foreign and menacing,” then “make your target audience feel good by offering up what is a fantasy to them, but a horrendous injustice to others.”
As I read it, Zeid just described the “formula” that the N.W.O. plans to use to subject the world to global government.
What fantasies of peace, prosperity and universal brotherhood has the New World Order offered you?
Zeid’s complaints about the nationalist populists’ use of communications (internet, social media) imply that the globalists are losing the battle for the world’s “hearts and minds”. Zeid sounds desperate. Apparently, the “national populists” are using the internet and social media more effectively than the N.W.O. If so, the “national populists” are defeating the globalist’s plan for world domination.
• “History has perhaps taught Mr. Wilders and his ilk how effectively xenophobia and bigotry can be weaponized. Communities will barricade themselves into fearful, hostile camps, with populists like themselves, and with extremists as the commandants. The atmosphere will become thick with hate; at this point it can descend rapidly into colossal violence.”
“Xenophobia and bigotry”? Prince Zeid is playing the race card. He sounds as silly as Al Sharpton.
As for “history,” I’ll bet that globalists have studied history far longer and in greater detail than any of the current crop of “nationalist populists”. I’ll also bet that globalists also have an unrivaled, in-depth knowledge of how to “weaponize” various intellectual concepts.
For example, the idea that all races, religions and cultures are “equal” has been “weaponized” by the New World Order. (Let’s pause for a moment and all sing a few verses of Kumbaya.) The idea of complete, universal equality is a bunch of crap, alright, but it’s politically correct crap that deceives the public and serves the N.W.O.’s agenda.
“Colossal violence”?! Are we to believe that without one-world government, the world will “descend rapidly into colossal violence”?
Ohh, puh-leese. Isn’t it the globalists who believe that the world’s population should be cut by 50% to 90%? There’s not a “nationalist populist” around who wants to see his own nation’s population reduced by millions.
However, globalists want the mass murder of billions of the world’s people. If that’s not “colossal violence,” I don’t know what is.
Again, Prince Zeid’s insults and condemnations tell us more about the New World Order than they do about Trump, Farage and the other “nationalist populists”.
• Zeid also questioned whether “we’re doing enough to counter this cross-border bonding of demagogues.” In other words, the “national populist” movement has become an international force to be reckoned with. Zeid wants to stop Farage and Wilkens from linking up with other national populists like Trump.
But, wait a second!
Isn’t it the globalists who want to do away with borders? If so, why do they object to “cross-border bonding”? Between Farage, Wilkens and Trump?
• “Are we going to continue to stand by and watch this banalization of bigotry, until it reaches its logical conclusion? Do not, my friends, be led by the deceiver. It is only by pursuing the entire truth, and acting wisely, that humanity can ever survive. So draw the line and speak. Speak out and up, speak the truth and do so compassionately, speak for your children, for those you care about, for the rights of all, and be sure to say clearly: stop!”
Sounds like a speech Lenin might’ve made, doesn’t it?
“Stop!” is a command or desperate desire that the rising forces of world populism “stop!” resisting the forces of the New World Order. Unfortunately, I don’t think the globalists have enough power to make that “Stop!” stick.
Assuming there is such a word as “banalization,” it might be argued that the populists have “banalized” bigotry. But what about the globalists’ “banalization of equality”?
What’s that mean?
The “banalization of equality” refers to the banal presumption that we’re all equal in all regards and therefore all entitled to equal shares of the economic pie, regardless of whether we’re talented or incompetent, educated or ignorant, hard-working or lazy. Based on our presumed equality in all things, we should all get the same-sized homes, same-sized cars, same amount of food—regardless of whether we work and produce something or just sit on our butts and consume. The “banalization of equality” is the foundation of communism and the cornerstone for collectivism.
If the nationalist populists have “banalized” bigotry, the globalists have “banalized” equality to support collectivism.
Prince Zeid’s remarks imply that the globalists are collectivists
Think not?
Read a little more:
“We will not be bullied by you, the bully, nor fooled by you, the deceiver, not again, no more; because we, not you, will steer our collective fate. And we, not you, will write and sculpt this coming century. Draw the line!”
Did Prince Zeid’s closing remarks sound a little desperate? A little hysterical? Or, was that just megalomania that I heard and mistook for desperation?
In any case, did you see the word “collective”? Do you know what it signals?
In his grand, globalist frustration, Prince Zeid has revealed what the New World Order really is: it’s a collectivist system of government fundamentally identical to socialism and communism. It’s a global hive.
Who will run this hive?
The world’s princes, the royalty, the super-rich. The elite. The globalists. They—not the “nationalist populists” (and certainly not the ordinary people of the world)—will “steer our collective fate”. The globalists (but not the nationalist-populists and not the world’s common people) are determined to “write and sculpt this coming century”.
The globalists’ plans for the next century may not be as grand as Herr Hitler’s plans for his “Thousand Year Reich”–but today’s globalist dream of one-world, collectivist government is equally mad. The “Thousand Year Reich” lasted for about a decade. If the globalists do manage to implement one-world governance, I doubt that they’ll last much longer than the Nazis did.
• Based on its revelations, Zeid’s imprudence and even anxiety, I thought Zeid’s speech was amazing. He seemed desperate. He spoke as if he was afraid that the New World Order was losing to the populists.
His speech didn’t tell me much about the “nationalist populists” that he condemned, but it told me a lot about the New World Order that he supported.
In the end, Prince Zeid virtually confessed that the globalists have no intention of serving the world’s people. They intend to rule the collective by any means necessary. They plan to be the dictatorship of the collective. They plan to achieve that goal with mass deception and, if that doesn’t work, mass violence.
May God judge them, one and all.
P.S. I can see why the Democrat and Republican elite hate Trump. I can see why the Main Stream Media hate Trump.
It’s not because Trump is rich, arrogant, stupid, dyes his hair or whatever.
It’s because Trump is not a globalist. Trump’s election will be the American equivalent to Great Britain’s Brexit. Trump’s election would signal America’s rejection of globalism and would constitute an enormous setback for the New World Order.
I wonder if Trump understands the threat that he poses and the danger he’s confronting.
On the other had, “Crooked Coughing” Hillary’s election to the presidency is applauded and advocated by the globalists. Why? Because Hillary is a card-carrying globalist and New World Order “princess” (or at least, aging queen).