Hey, so I thought I would introduce myself a bit, as many of you now know me as that “transgender lady…or the lady that wrote about the transgender kid, or something” uhhmmm….. But seriously, I found a thread where someone was asking if I was a man, or if my bearded husband was a woman but was happy that I was attractive to them anyway….oh my.
I’m fairly certain that they hadn’t read the post.
Either way, I’m thankful for the discussion, and never would I have imagined that something that I wrote would have been read 250K+ times in a week…amazing. Thanks so much. The post always started out as one about parenting, and has morphed into a discussion about gender identity, DNA, psychology, homosexuality, equal rights, etc. It’s a good thing.
Anyhow, I thought I would shed a bit of light on what you may find here with a snippet from dinner last night that will give you great clarity into my life, and thus, the inspiration for many of my posts:
*my boys (aged 5 & 2) “shooting” each other at the dinner table. they are convinced that they are storm-troopers*
Me “Miles (2) sit down and eat”
Miles “Bubby kill me!!” falls, dramatically out of chair and onto floor with a “uuughh…” grasping his belly.
Me “Then die in your chair”
Henry (5) “I would like some wine”
Miles “Me DEAD!!!” *continues groaning while rolling around smashing blueberries and cheese that Etta (1) had thrown on the floor*
Me “Henry, storm troopers don’t drink wine until they’re 21. Miles, get back in your chair and eat. I don’t care if you’re dead or not”
Henry “fine, sparkling water then.”
Me *sips wine…*
Miles *now motionless…*
Anyhow, you may be surprised to find that this blog started as a health blog (because we need another one of those) and I found that I just couldn’t keep my opinions about other things to myself, and I love sharing stories from my life. So, what you will find here has no clear direction whatsoever. What you will find is an honest look into the life of a woman trying to not completely fail at being a mother, wife, daughter, friend, and citizen. I love to help people. I love to give to others. I love learning and am ok with discovering that I have been wrong. I love to know that the time spent writing during nap time and late into the evenings makes a difference.
My husband does this for a living:
…so needless to say our life is anything but conventional or predictable.
Here’s how you can know if this blog isn’t for you:
1. if you enjoy BS
2. if you are easily offended
3. if you need consistency in content (one day it’s parenting, the next, something fermented that I can’t stop eating…oh lord, I love me some kimchi…)
I’m all over the place, but I hope you will stick around. Because, what if you came here to see how I felt about a certain Miley Cyrus performance, but in the process, discovered that I think that Advocare is more harmful than healthy or that I believe that the flu shot is actually worse for you than getting the flu? Win!
Tomorrow I’ll be sharing the laziest purchase I’ve ever made. I’m also starting a new workout regimen because, honestly, I miss my abs and I’m dangerously close to taking up the “bent arm” stance in every picture to avoid “mom-arms.” I’ll be posting some progress pics and inviting you all to join in with me! Also, I had lunch with a brilliant friend of mine yesterday and in the process, had a parenting (discipline) epiphany that I can’t wait to share with you. Working on that post now…
Here’s a post I did recently which was a pretty accurate recap of our lives over a month’s time.
Stay tuned – that madness {should} start Monday!