Can you believe it?! Foodobyte won FIRST in the Best Student Blog category in The Social Media Awards 2013! I was absolutely gobsmacked… so stunned that I stumbled and fumbled with my speech. At one point, I was just blabbing indecipherable gibberish :S
I’d really like to thank my awesome family, friends and readers. It’s 158% because of you guys that I got to stand up on that super bright stage and accept such a kickass award, whilst blabbing indecipherable gibberish. And to the person who nominated me in the first place, thank you! You have no idea how you kickstarted this crazy adventure for me!
It was one heck of a race, no doubt. With great bloggers like the Food Queen and Sip Savour & Savour, it was already a huge honour being placed in the Top 3 with them. I really hope that we’ll be able to collab one day and have a fantastic foodie adventure!
As for the future of Foodobyte, I will strive to provide informative & enjoyable restaurant reviews and nutrition articles, served alongside some mouth-watering photography! And just a heads up, Foodobyte will be undergoing a major revamp near the end of April… so keep a look out for that!

At the Social Media Awards!

hippoCHAN & Foodobyte! :)

So many people!!

Delicious Lemongrass Chicken from DD Mau!

Peter Chaooooooooo!!


I got to meet Mijune from FollowMeFoodie!!

My one-of-a-kind Drunk Mexican trophy for Best Student Blog!

It’s engraved!!

He has tighty whities too!