Lifestyle Magazine


By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
A little bit of a different post but one that was actually requested by a reader wanting to know a bit more about the fonts that I usually use. You may have noticed recently that I have been watermarking my photos (putting some writing over them with my web address and name) and the reason for this is that I found some of my photos on other sites with them claiming to be theirs. Now, I don't mind people using/pinning/tumblring my photos if they link back to me or admit that they haven't taken them but it was a bit upsetting to see people stealing them. Hopefully, now people will know where the photos have come from, they can come back to the original site. 
Anyway, enough with the moaning! I've been looking out for some nice fonts to use for my watermarks and these are some of the ones that I have come up with. They can all be downloaded on for free and would look really pretty on collages, watermarks, quotes, the list goes on
I am sure you can find some creative uses for them, enjoy! 
P.S. Thanks to everyone who showed interest and bought some of my jewellery, it means a lot that you all like it! 

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