A heatwave has once again come to Northern California, and (as usual) I couldn't be happier about it. There is something about the suffocating heat that just makes me come alive like a live wire - I thrive. I have been seeing roses in bloom everywhere: and it seems the heat only makes their scent all the more sweet. I thought this dress was an appropriate way to honor them.

Audrey dress (also seen here) // Pierre Hardy for GAP wedges // Coach bag (also seen here)
We all have our favorite items in our closest that we keep coming back to...For me, these Pierre Hardy wedges are a warm weather staple. I know that by blogger standards they are old, but I honestly don't care - the big floppy fabric bows make my heart skip a beat. My heart doesn't know the difference between these shoes and Captain America's little tush on The Avengers. (Except that I get to take these wedges home, place them in a box and save them for later. My boyfriend won't let me take Captain America home. Or Thor for that matter.)

Ps a warm welcome to three of my new readers, Amara, Nik and Dark Angel!