Lifestyle Magazine

Floral Friday : Made Me Smile

By Rolala @rolalaloves
pink orchid macro

The orchid in our home makes me smile. Our orchid plant lives on our dining table and Hubster takes care of it along with the rest of our plants. I've been told to stay away from them since I seem to have a black thumb. He totally fusses over the orchid which is really cute and he's already coaxed it to re-bloom several times. He tries so hard because he knows it makes me happy to see the flowers. Do you have a flower that makes you smile?

Floral Fridays is a monthly photography project with different themes each month. The theme for this month is "made me smile". This series is about fun and taking time out to smell the flowers. To play along, please email Trishie for next month's theme. And please visit my fellow participants below for more floral inspirations.

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