Creativity Magazine

Flesh Koffee (Cáscara, Quishr)

By Aristippos

The evolution of coffee has witnessed many stages, some of which we do not even know today, but from writings. One has luckily continued to be used throughout the centuries and is becoming increasingly popular in the western world of coffee. In South America it is known as cáscara (peel), while in Yemen it is mixed with spices and called Quishr or Kishr. The fruit flesh (pulp) is dried out and later infused in water, just like tea leaves. Yesterday I FINALLY was able to experience this coffee and its taste at the Blue Bottle Coffee in Chelsea, New York.

Several times I read about this coffee having the taste of prune juice, but it apparently depends heavily on the type of coffee used and also on its preparation. My cáscara was very much like a well rounded fruit tee. Clearly fruity, not at all sweet, although the coffee flesh is dried in its very ripe state.


Flesh Koffee (Cáscara, Quishr)

Cáscara (South America) or Quishr (Jemen) are the dried out pulp of the coffee fruit that are infused in water to obtain a very different coffee.

Flesh Koffee (Cáscara, Quishr)

The different coffee, the infusion with the pulp of the coffee fruit

About sila

I have been drinking coffee, eating coffee, thinking coffee. I am no historian, no expert, no missionary wishing to convince you that this particular brew in this particular cup will be the god-shot of your life. But perhaps being a reliable storyteller will help increase – among others – your coffee expectations, your perception in every cup, thus increasing your joy in each. View all posts by sila

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