Business Magazine

Five Things to Do Every Day While You’re out of Work

Posted on the 13 January 2020 by Candacemoody @candacemoody
Five Things to do Every Day While You’re out of Work
  1. You'll need to keep up your energy and spirits so you can be ready for the next great opportunity. Exercise is a natural mood enhancer, and the energy boost and healthy you achieve will show when you meet new people. The daily discipline of working out will be helpful when you get back into an office routine. You may even get a bonus - looking better in that new interview suit.
  2. Nurture your spirit. It could be a spiritual practice like meditation or attending a service; it could simply be a walk in nature. Whatever makes you feel strong and inspired is good for your job search.
  3. Turn off the television and read. You are what you read; if you read uplifting words from others who have come through difficult times, you'll gain something from their wisdom and courage. You can research your target industry, catch up with a local newspaper, or read a good book on better job searches. (They're free at the local library.)
  4. Do something nice for someone else. No matter how sad or worried you feel, there is someone near you who has it worse and could use your help. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, bake a cake for an elderly neighbor, or read to kids at a school. Get your mind off yourself. Practice gratitude for the blessings you do have in your life. Again, what lifts your spirits is good for your job search and your long-term well being.
  5. Get out and meet someone new. Even on the days you don't have a networking meeting or interview (and we hope those are rare,) you can make it a point to meet someone new as you're running errands. Take the time to notice and reach out to someone at the dog park or your exercise class. Get to know a neighbor you've only waved to. They may be going through what you are, and might need a friend. Or have a great job and a lead for you.

Taking care of you should be Job One even if you're happily employed. If you're not well rested, well nourished, and just plain...well, you won't be at your best and won't be able to enjoy your days.

Make self-care one of your New Year's resolutions for 2020. You'll thank yourself next December - I promise.

Have you decided what your one word will be for 2020? Here's a site to get you inspired.

My word for 2020 is "Freedom." More on that later...

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