Travel Magazine

Five Technologies That Have Impacted The B2C Landscape In The Recent Decade

By Travelrasoi @travelrasoi

Recent technologies are influencing almost every sector including the B2C landscape. Numerous organizations are profiting by utilizing these innovations, and it is on the business to improve productivity, efficiency, and development probabilities by consistently integrating such technologies.

Many technological advancements have made the retail activity much better than that was merely 10 years back. Let’s discuss 5 technologies having the high-time in B2C domain.

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence has, as of now, made its essence felt through natural language processing, machine learning, and predictive customer support sets. AI is enabling consumer support conversations and strengthening basic leadership capacities in corporations through automated systems.

With the assistance of AI-based devices like for a case – Chatbots – organizations can elevate the business procedure and can punch up communications to satisfy a customer’s request for receiving instant support.

Furthermore, AI assists businesses in giving a proactive and significant response to consumers immediately, thus, improving consumer loyalty, in the long run.

For instance, international entertainment giant like Disney is tapping the AI edge through training of artificial neural networks that copy human minds to comprehend the storylines that may intrigue to its audience.

Client Relationship Management:

Client Relationship Management (CRM) frameworks are compelling tools intended to give businesses an all-encompassing prospect on client commitment by incorporating advertising, sales, and customer service.

On leveraging effectively, CRM empowers a great favourable position for sale teams, as it enables them to get quick and precise insights on what clients are doing, what they’re attracted to, and when they are sufficiently on the way to purchase.

So, with the potential to contact clients and prospects all at once, the sales force turns out to be progressively agile, productive, and successful.

Social Media Channels:

The wave of social media innovation has offered an ascend in dragging and connecting new clients – a fundamental step to pull a client into the sales funnel for businesses.

Online networking channels give possibilities to organizations to engage customers in conversations about their products/services for presenting significant and in-detail information that could prompt a sale.

Additionally, client feedback via social media platforms enables businesses to refine and personalize their messages and online marketing campaign strategies to guarantee more noteworthy achievement in the future.


Today, the number of buyers utilizing smartphones establishes half of the entire web traffic, which means it is of great significance today that online stores get accustomed to mobile screens. However, the more high-level features installed into mobile applications anchored some new rules for businesses.

The formulation of the functionalities, for example, Dash Buttons and Beacons demonstrated the benefit of having a branded mobile application for e-commerce sites. These gadgets trigger intrigue and commitment to the mobile application, which at last boosts sales for a company.

So, such gadgets offer the best online shopping journey for customers. Eventually, m-commerce became a critical necessity for businesses to achieve customer commitment and retention.

Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality or VR is being utilized by design and furniture stores nowadays to enable clients to see a 3D rendering of a washroom, kitchen, or other redesign items before they come to a decision. Clients can pick the products they need and go into a special room where they can perceive how the products seem in their room.

A 2018 Gartner study showed that 46% of retailers projected to deploy either VR or AR solutions by 2020 to reach customer service requirements. Stores employ VR as an augmentation of brand exposure to engage buyers in immersive settings and shoot revenue. With immersive interfaces of VR, retailers can even build task effectiveness or decrease the costs of designing new products.


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