Five on Friday: Easter Edition
1. Did you have any fun Easter traditions growing up? My Mom has a beautiful set of traditional German Easter ornaments (wooden) and some gorgeous ceramic bunny rabbits that always graced our house around Easter. To this day I always linger over ceramic bunny rabbits at antique stores or furniture stores. Every year I say I’m going pick up a few from Pottery Barn after the holiday…but I never remember. One year it will happen!
2. Photos from last weekend’s egg hunt lead me to believe Gracie might end up with some strawberry blonde hair. It currently depends on the lighting- sometimes it reads more blonde, other times more brown. Time will tell!
3. Lists give me an excuse of sharing photos of my child. A current photo…and Easter last year….
4. Gracie’s Easter basket turned out quite nicely. The only thing I wish I had ordered/added is a Boo Boo Bunny. This year she is using a simple little basket I got at Target, but once again I harbor dreams of ordering a personalized something from Pottery Barn after the holiday. Once again: time will tell. We can revist this topic next year and see how succesful I was.
5. One of my favorite parts of this weekend is the deviled eggs. I could, without blinking, take down a dozen deviled eggs easily. There is something so delicious about them. The ham is nice too, but the eggs…mmm.