Family Magazine

Five on Friday: Crazypants Edition

By Daisyjd

5onFridayLogo-Final-forblogsidemenu_edited-1_zps7fcf6068Well as you guys could tell, it has been a crazy few days in our household…and it isn’t letting up any time soon. Lets do it. (Note: the Five on Friday link up is taking a summer break so this is for awhile until it returns)

1. Friday…oh Friday. Normally a day to relax, let the baby stay up a little later, eat pizza for dinner, watch a movie or read a book and take a deep breath after a long week. Last Friday is when my car decided to not work, and this Friday B heads out for a sailing event with my Dad, my in-laws come into town and I go to two events and then come home to pack because….

2. Saturday…. catching a plane to New York City* for work. I’m looking forward to the trip (a whole 4 days where I am not responsible for anyone’s laundry, dinner, or food cutting) but I’m nervous about that much time away from B and Gracie.

3. Sunday…. ok fine, Sunday doesn’t present too many challenges except for the fact that much of the legal world is gearing up for Monday becuase….

4. Monday….the Supreme Court should release its opinion in Hobby Lobby v Sebelius (the contraception case) and my world goes topsy turvy for awhile. This decision has been hovering in my mind for months……..

5. Wednesday/Thursday/Friday….I get back into town on Wednesday just in time for a work vacation day and a national holiday. We’d planned on going to Indianapolis for the holiday but I think we’ve decided that it is just too much to do back to back. Instead we’ll catch some fireworks at home nad be lazy for a few days.

Lets end with some unnecessary but adorable photos of my child imitating a monkey:

Monkey 1

Monkey 2

*Accepting any & all restaurant recommendations in Midtown (blergh).

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