Family Magazine

Five on Friday: Cold May Edition

By Daisyjd

Don’t worry y’all, it is cold and raining in Chicago. There was snow in some suburbs today. It is like my winter coats are putting up one last bloody battle to prevent me from taking them to the cleaners. Anyway, lets get it done, shall we?


1. At the beginning of every summer (which will get here, come hell or high water)  I always wish I could somehow use all of my PTO to just take every Friday off. I’m sure I *could* do that but it would be a hard way to meet all my deadlines, and a terrible use of my time off (I know I’d regret it come Christmas and what not) but doesn’t that just sound wonderful? Three day weekends all summer long? Yes please.


2. A Sonic drive-in opened in Chicago right around the same time I decided to get serious about getting fit and losing the last bit of weight that keeps from being a truly happy/healthy place. I’ve been pretty good about avoiding it, but once or twice I’ve found myself ordering a cherry lime-aid without realizing how I’d gotten there. These things….they happen. Speaking of getting fit, I somehow promised Law with Grace that I’d run a 5K and perhaps a half marathon with her, which means I guess it is time to start getting my feet to the pavement. It is also time to get my bike out of storage and drop it off for a quick tune up so I can start riding again.

Cycling shoes


3. We have succesfully weaned Gracie off of the pacifier! After going about it the wrong way (we made a big deal about it being broken after snipping the bulb off, and throwing it away with much fanfare…we should have just thrown them all out without saying anything) Gracie adapted. We knew she could do it (she was sleeping pacifier-free at nap time) but I’m glad we made it through to the other side. There is no doubt in my mind that if she found a pacifier she’d pop it in happily, but she is a-ok without one as well. One less thing to add to the nighttime routine!

4. This week, after my Monday Night Dinner out, I went to a grown up affair again on Thursday night. B stayed home with Gracie while I did a little networking and then had dinner with my best friend and her Mom. It further reinforced the fact that I still need to have my own time, and that taking it doesn’t make me a terrible monster. Bonus: B sends me lots of cute pictures and videos of the little lady.

5. Anyone out there buy clothes from Everlane? I’m tempted to order a few t-shirts for the summer but I’m curious to hear what people think of their quality/fit. (Not a referrral/affiliate link) The idea is intriguing but I’m wondering if the product lives up to the hype!

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