Eco-Living Magazine

Five Friday Facts: Washing Machines and Dishwashers

Posted on the 01 June 2012 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

Five Friday Facts: Washing Machines and DishwashersLast month the Department of Energy (DOE) laid out new efficiency measures for clothes and dishwashers, which go into effect next year for the former and 2015 for the latter. Here are some of the program’s expected savings:

  • Energy efficiency standards for residential clothes washers and dishwashers are expected to save consumers $20 billion in energy and water costs.
  • The clothes washers standard will save households approximately $350 apiece over the lifetime of the appliances.
  • Home dishwashers will use approximately 15% less energy and more than 20% less water, directly providing consumers with savings on monthly bills.
  • Today, clothes washers and dishwashers account for approximately 3% of residential energy use and more than 20% of indoor water use in U.S. homes.
  • The new standards for clothes washers will reduce the energy consumption of front-loading clothes washers by 15% and reduce water consumption by 35%, while the standards will reduce energy consumption by top-loading washers by 33% and reduce water consumption by 19%.

Click here to read the DOE’s press release.

Image source: Metropolitan Museum of Art

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