Eco-Living Magazine

Five Friday Facts: A Warmer and Wetter World

Posted on the 22 March 2013 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev
Figure Five

Two trends in the atmosphere – that globally the air is getting warmer and wetter – are increasing the chance of heat waves, downpours, and other extreme weather. These statistics from the National Geographic are clear on the trend.

  • The Earth’s surface has increased 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit since 1970.

  • Moisture in the atmosphere has risen 4% since 1970.

  • Heatwaves are striking a wider portion of the U.S. (35% in 2010).

  • Extreme rainfalls are occurring over a larger portion of the U.S. (16% of the country getting elevated precipitation in 2010).

  • One of the biggest wildcards is the Arctic Ocean, which has lost 40 percent of its summer sea ice since the 1980s. Autumn temperatures over what is now open ocean have risen 3.6 to 9°F.
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