Fashion Magazine

Five For Friday

By Gentrilee
Five For Friday
^loose fitting white blouses // source
Happy Halloween, everyone; I hope you all have exciting plans. My evening will be filled with staying home and doing a little trick or treating with my nieces and nephews (I'm basically their grandma, not their cool aunt). I am just not a party kind of girl... Especially when the only party around here that I would attend is about an hour and a half away, like everything else on the east coast. So, it'll be a quiet Halloween for me. What do you have planned? If you need a simple yet eerie makeup look, be sure to check out THIS post.
P.S. here are some trends I'm loving right now...
half-up-braids // source
Five For Friday
buffalo plaid // source
Five For Friday
stacked bracelets // source
Five For Friday
collared shirts under sweaters // source
Five For Friday

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