Fashion Magazine

Five For Friday

By Gentrilee
Five For Friday
^low and looped ponytails // source
I'm a little late in getting this post up; but it's still Friday, at least here. It was one of those weekends where I haven't wanted to do anything, I think I have just been saving my energy for Saturday- which will be really busy from sunrise until sunset. So forgive me for my tardiness, but enjoy my picks for this week's five for friday post...
plaid scarves; loving the ones from strands // source
Five For Friday
ring stacking; I can't get enough of the ones from prismera design // source
Five For Friday
metallic hair colors; I have an appointment next week to make my hair metallic! it'll still be a natural color, just cooler // source
Five For Friday
minimal styling, it's what I have been drawn to lately // source
Five For Friday
What trends have you been loving, lately? Any suggestions of what I should include in next weeks roundup?

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