
Five Easy Steps To Stop A Cold In Its Tracks

Posted on the 21 August 2022 by Jitender Sharma

A common cold is a viral infection of your upper respiratory tract, which can be the result of many types and viruses, and is usually harmless. Viruses can spread through droplets when someone talks, coughs, or sneezes and can enter your body through your nose, mouth, or eyes. They are also spread by hand-to-hand contact or by sharing contaminated objects. Therefore, it is clear why an adult has an average of 2-3 colds per year, especially in the spring and winter.

As inoffensive as catching a cold may look, even the slightest one can lead to severe illnesses if poorly treated. Not to count the extent to which your mood and well-being drop.  

If you feel like you are not in your best mood and sense that something is going on with your body, take the following actions to stop the cold before it starts.

Analyze your cold symptoms

First, you should be aware of cold signs to ensure your health issue is not more serious. Different or more serious symptoms can hide severe diseases and lead to significant illnesses. And if you worry about having the flu or a Corona Virus, it is recommended you get some medical examination to establish what kind of treatment and medications you need.  

Therefore, you should distinguish between these signs of sicknesses to ensure you don’t worsen your health. These are the symptoms you can have after you catch a cold:

  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Coughs
  • Raised temperature
  • Slightly body ache
  • Low-grade fever

Get plenty of rest

When you catch a cold, unjustified exhaustion and tiredness set in, and you find little to no energy to perform daily tasks. You might want to rest all the time, and that is recommended. Sleepiness is how your body tells you it has some infections to fight, and you should give it the treatment it asks for.

Cytokines are a type of protein produced and released during sleep and help target infections. It would help if you got your siesta when you feel like it because your body will redirect its energy from activities like moving around or thinking to fight the infection.

Furthermore, if your energy levels were high and you were in good shape, you would’ve most probably gone to work and met with friends. This way, you would have awakened your immune system and increased the chances of spreading the virus.

Next time you want to move mountains while sick, listen to your body’s signals and take the time it needs to regain strength.

Be wary of what you wear

Dressing warmly to avoid sickness is primarily wrong because if you start sweating, you will be more prone to catching a cold. And you shouldn’t neglect the paramount importance of enhanced immunity and rely only on thick clothes. Keep your temperature constant and pick suitable, cold-resilient fabrics for your clothes. These are some of the best ways you can stay comfy and protected when going out or staying at home:

  • Wear jackets that don’t make you sweat – penguin and goose feather-filled jackets are light-weighted while providing the proper and necessary amount of warmth
  • Wear shoes with a thick sole – ensure you cover the places that allow cold in
  • Wear the right clothes at home – keep your layers a little loose and wear moisture wicking pajamas to soak up the sweat resulting from overheating or from natural and medications-induced fevers

Eat immune booster foods

Healthy foods might not be your piece of pie when you are sick, and even eating anything at all can feel like a burden. But nutrients, proteins, minerals, and vitamins help your organism fight viruses better. For example, citruses have lots of vitamin C; selenium-rich foods include eggs, tuna, shrimps, and more; chilli and hot food help clear out your nasal passages, and you can find vitamin E in leafy greens such as collards and spinach, in broccoli, whole grains and more. These four are some of the best flu killers that boost your immune system:

  • Chicken – is a source of protein, vitamins, calories, and minerals, and eating chicken soup meets both these and the warm fluids drinking needs
  • Broths – especially bone broth because it is rich in collagen and amino acids, and they help relieve sinus congestion when you eat them hot
  • Garlic – it is scientifically proven to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects, and one study showed that 146 participants who took garlic-based supplements stood 70% lower chances of getting sick than the placebo group
  • Green veggies, carrots, winter squash, and sweet potatoes – they abound in vitamin A and combined with Zinc, they result in a “natural flu killer”.

Drink healthy fluids

When sick, your body dehydrates significantly, thus enhancing the risk of getting a fever. It would help if you had more drinks than usual to provide the necessary liquid intake. Immunity booster fluids play an important role in strengthening your immune system, especially the following ones:

  • Hot tea – use honey as a sweetener because it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and add some lemon juice as it is rich in vitamin C
  • Ginger tea – this one is perfect for fighting colds because it prevents nausea, indigestion, and symptoms of the common cold while having anti-inflammatory properties and regulating blood pressure
  • Fruit juice – the best part is you can play and mix fruits according to your taste, as long as you add some sour ones that provide the necessary vitamin C
  • Herbal tea – whether you choose peppermint for coughs, chamomile to help you sleep, echinacea for its anti-inflammatory properties, or hibiscus for its antioxidants and iron and vitamin C supply, ensure the tea is warm and flavoured with some honey and lemon. If you like challenges, mix different tea flavours to create your tea recipe.

Taking preventive measures is the key to staying healthy

All in all, catching a cold is common and should not worry you too much. Taking some easy, preventative measures can help you avoid illnesses and build an unbeatable immune system. A vital organism can further prevent more severe and significant illnesses than a seasonal cold.

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