Fashion Magazine

Five Easy Spring Looks

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Five Easy Spring Looks
Spring in a limbo right now, teasing you everyday with sunshine, but evading you with chilly winds. It is become rather hard to dress without having to test the weather through the window and then quickly shutting it with a shudder. 
Nonetheless, planning for Spring is in full throttle. Some spring ready looks are being added to the closet and I am literally counting days to when I can step out in single layer. Since there is still a nip in the air light layers are a must. Denim jackets and light blazers and spring sweaters are your best friend in this season. Below are few of my simple and go-to-looks for spring: 
  1. Layer your dresses with denim jacket
  2. Bring out your shorts with a blazer
  3. Wear your dresses with a sweater and make it look like a skirt #DoubleDuty
  4.  Layer maxi skirts everything with cardigans 
  5.  Pairing denims with a cute sweater in always in fashion

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