Entertainment Magazine
Canuck. Stoner. Bird watcher. Breast milk aficionado. Scab collector? This round of Fistful of Questions goes out to Jarret Beach the axe wielding, self-destructive frontman of Destroy My Brains.
What is your full name?
Jarret Beach from the Beach Clans of the North
Do you have any aliases?
What bands are you actively involved in?
Currently Destroy My Brains, and also recently joined a new project Ashes of Yggdrasil.
What was the name of the first band you were in?
When I was a teenager I was in a band with my drummer of Destroy My Brains's older brother Emory. We were called Caffeine Psychosis and we sucked haha but we liked it. We made cool videos with an old video camera I had. It was all about fun back then, it wasn't serious.
What was the first instrument that you played?
The first instrument I ever remember playing was my Dad's acoustic guitar tuned to E standard. I think it was a Nelson. I was young man. Like toddler young. He had lots of cool stuff. Slides, Capos, Harmonicas. He and my mom were both into 70's 80's and 90's rock music so I grew up on that kind of stuff.
Tell me about one of your first musical memories?
Some of my first musical memories was my dad trying to teach me to play chords. I was so little and my hands were weak as fuck so they were hard. I remember my dad’s strings being tight and real hard to push down. His fingers were calloused to fuck so it didn’t bother him none! I could barely play the thing.
What inspired the name Destroy My Brains?
One day when I was a teenager and learned to play electric guitar, I was laying in bed stoned as fuck writing songs and I just couldn’t get the words Destroy My Brains out of my head. I liked getting messed up as a teenager so I was writing a song about destroying my brains on drugs. I was and still am a very self destructive person and destroying my brains with liquor and drugs was almost a goal. It’s kind of my personality. I wrote a few songs after I wrote the song Destroy My Brains and they all stayed in the same theme. So I decided I wanted a hardcore punk band called Destroy My Brains and I’ve been writing songs ever since. Even before we were a real band haha.
Tell me about the genesis of Destroy My Brains.
So I was already writing songs and coming up with ideas and concepts for it all the time. But I had no band and I would jam with random people, but no one was really clicking. I mean, I could jam with other people, but no one really had the type of sound I wanted. And then my friend that i was in Caffeine Psychosis with, his younger brother Jadan was a real stud on the drums. He was needing a job so I got him working with me, but my secret motive for getting him to work with me was to get someone who was actually heavy to jam with. Haha. One day me and Jadan were smoking joints in my garage after we finished jamming, and he said we should start writing songs and become a band. I said ok and he asked what we should call ourselves, and I said I always wanted to have a band called Destroy My Brains, and he just said ok sounds good! Haha it was real casual… We wrote quite a few songs that no one has ever heard and then we recruited my man Jeremy on bass and made our first album. We are all internally angry people inside so we would unleash our fury on our instruments and come up with some real heavy shit! Just gnarly. We would get fucked up and party and do drugs and jam for days on end. It was so much fun. Jeremy went through some real hardships in life during our first years, and kind of dropped out of the band for over a year. He was really deep in depression and fishscale and his life went to total shit. He hit bottom man. So we had no bass player anymore and Jeremy totally dropped off the map, wouldn't answer calls and no one new where he went, so I asked another guy I knew to try to learn the song. That’s our bass player we have now! Chase of Bass! He's gnarly and a deadly musician. Jeremy finally got his shit together and went to rehab and stopped by my place on his way home from there. He said he wanted back in on DMB. So I told him fuck ya bro! But he had to play guitar not bass! He was down, so thats how we got our lineup we have today!
Tell me about Ashes of Yggdrasil.
Oh for sure man. Ashes of Yggdrasil is a band I joined, about a year ago I believe. Some talented guys. They used to be called From Birth to Ash, and were total death metal. But then got another guitarist and changed their style into Epic Viking Battle Metal! Then they asked me to play bass! Since Destroy My Brains is a fairly slow process I said yes to fill the time, but it's actually pretty fun so I’m stoked on it. We just dropped our debut album The Path by the way! Check it out!
Tell me about Doom Tomb Recording Studio.
The Doom Tomb went from our jam space that we would get trashed and jam in, to a full on recording studio. Man the Doom Tomb is where the magic happens! It’s my recording lair. I've literally spent almost every penny I've made in the last few years on equipment. Mics, Mixers, Cabs, Amps, Pedals (mostly fuzz), Guitars, Cables, Computers! Too much shit to list. Studios are fucken expensive, but worth it. Music has always been my #1 passion and hopefully one day I can make a living just producing bands in my country. We will see how it goes haha.
Which comes first when you are writing a song… the title or the lyrics?
I kind of base songs off of single ideas, and I can hear song titles in my head when I write riffs. Ideas just flow through my head when I’m writing, and phrases or words just pop in my head and stick. That's how she goes man haha. Jeremy and Jadan and Chase sometimes have song ideas too.
If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?
Oh man. If Crowbar ever needed a bass player, I would sell my soul… Seriously Kirk call me! Hahaha
Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it? If so, what was the song and artist?
Oh man. Every single Acid Bath song… I worship those guys so much. I wish they were still around. Their music has meant so much to me over the years and continue to do so. They get better and better to me over the years.
Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
My biggest influences for sure had to be Sepultura. They are the band that made me love metal as a kid. Tool and Alice in Chains always inspires me. And lots of the NOLA bands like Crowbar, Acid Bath, Down really get me man. But lately my favorite band I’m digging is fucken Fistula! Goddamn they are spot on.
Do you have any non-metal musical inspirations?
I'm really into Stoner Rock bands like Kyuss, 1000 mods and Sasquatch. I just groove on stuff like that!
What is an absolute band killer?
Know it alls, or control freaks. Don't tell me how to play my instrument man hahaha
Your driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album. What album would you choose?
I've been listening to Bloated Pig from Calgary lately and I drive a lot so this is legit haha
What is one thing that most people don’t know about you?
I'm an avid bird watcher and I collect scabs… hahaha jk I don’t stuff like that… Or do I?
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without bathing?
Me and my friend Brent had a contest where we wore the same shorts everyday for a whole summer. It was fucken gross, and those shorts reeked like farts, beer, pussy, and regret. Those shorts were epic. I'm glad they are gone though! I burned them in a fire.
What are two things that people absolutely need to know about Alberta Canada?
Lots of good young metal fests have been starting up lately. People need to come on down and check them out! And our weed here is fantastic! Hahah
What is the official phone number of Canada?
What’s the deal with Canada and macaroni & cheese?
I never knew there was a macaroni thing haha but my roommate Connor eats it every single day… I think he is addicted. Maybe there is a macaroni thing here haha
The year is 2007. Where are you at and what are you listening to?
In 2007 I was a wasted teenager and I would have been listening to Tool, Acid Bath, and Crowbar. I also loved BLS around that time too! Old ZW
You’re stuck on a desert island and you have to choose one of your Destroy My Brains bandmates to join you. Which bandmate will it be and why?
I would choose Jeremy, because we would find a way to party ourselves to death instead of starve to death… it would be epic. If it was me and Jadan, or me and Chase I’m sure we would just survive.
Arcade Fire or Our Lady Peace (if you had to choose)?
I'm not sure who Arcade Fire is so Our Lady Peace… But I’m not a fan. However OLP album Clumsy was the 1st cd I ever bought when I was little.
Would you consider doing a cover of Superman’s Dead?
Haha. I'm not sure. Probably not man haha although the Clumsy album is a pretty dark pop rock album. I can’t see us doing it haha nice try though.
What is your favorite Ghost album?
Ghost is my youngest son's favorite band. But I don’t know any of the album names. People hate them, and i love them because people hate them. I hate people so ya. Fuck it Ghost rules
Favorite book?
Swank magazine
Favorite movie?
Evil Dead
Favorite album?
Tool - Lateralus is one of my all time favorite full listen albums.
Favorite meal?
Breast Milk cereal
Many thanks to Jarret for taking the time to answer my queries. Be sure to click on over to Bandcamp where you can grab the Destroy My Brains “Worthless” EP on CD for a meager five dollars plus shipping. Or you can grab their entire digital discography for seven dollars and seventy cents. Finally, be on the lookout for the upcoming EP “InsignifiCan’t.” You can listen to the first two singles from the new EP over on YouTube.
~El Pedo Caliente (aka Uncle Jameson from the Fistful of DOOM show)
Ps- Be sure to check out the Fistful of DOOM show airing on Fuzz Heavy Radio every Sunday at 6 p.m. c.s.t./ 7 p.m. e.s.t.. https://www.facebook.com/fistfulofdoom66/ https://bandcamp.com/fistfulofdoom http://www.fuzzheavy.com/fuzzheavy-radio/ https://doomcharts.com/