Culture Magazine
I don’t put too much stock into astrology. I rarelyread my horoscope. But I do know that I’m a textbook Pisces. I’m a fish thattends to float off with the current into a world of her own, one far fromreality, more often that I care to admit. I like to do things in my own way. I don’t like beingtold when to or how to do something. And I detest it when someone tries tohurry me along. Unless there’s a medical emergency that requires immediateaction, why rush? Having said that, conversely, I don’t like having towait for anything either. Just the thought of standing in line at the postoffice or my bank, waiting to reach the service counter, gives me the hives.Patience is a virtue I do not possess. Tomorrow, I have to surface from my dream world andswim into reality because I have a long list of errands to run and the majorityof them involve waiting in line. My skin is already starting to itch… I suppose I should spend the rest of today fishing forsome patience.
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