Hair & Beauty Magazine

First Impressions: Origins

By Bria
Origins Skincare Origins Clear Improvement Mask | Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask | Origins Out of Trouble Mask
Clear Improvement active charcoal mask to clear pores
Description: Activated Charcoal acts like a magnet to draw out deep-dwelling pore-cloggers, White China Clay absorbs environmental toxins, Lecithin dissolves impurities. Without all that "stuff" down there, skin "breathes a sigh of relief."

I am legitimately in love with this mask, it does exactly what is says it does. My skin feels extremely clean after use. If I am having a breakout, after using the mask I feel that my skin definitely clears up quicker. I have also just exclusively used this on my nose and on my cheeks beside my nose; as that is my trouble spot for excessive oils as well as clogged pores, and feel that it has helped prevent clogs. 

How I use it: I use this mask all over my face every four to five days and maybe once between those days I use it just on my nose and where my pores are the largest. I leave the mask on for approximately 15 mins, you really don't need to leave it on much longer than that. I rinse it off with luke warm water then apply my toner and moisturizer. 

Drink Up Intensive overnight mask to quench skin's thirst
Description: This intense moisture replacement mask with Avocado and Apricot Kernel Oil deeply and instantly quenches compromised moisture reserves and builds a reservoir for tomorrow. Japanese Seaweed repairs skin's barrier to prevent future dehydration and signs of premature aging. I bought this mask because I had been so focused on products to clear up my acne that I hadn't factored in how drying acne products can be to the skin. So with using a lot of drying products as well as the season changing into winter for the past couple of months my skin has been severely dehydrated I wanted something that would really hydrate my skin. This does that perfectly, when I wake up after having used this the previous night my skin is super hydrated and soft. 
How I use it: I've been using this mask every two to three days. I use about a quarter size amount all over my face and neck.
Out of Trouble 10 minute mask to rescue problem skin

Description: Nature's trouble-shooters, including super-absorbent Zinc Oxide and Sulfur, calming Camphor rapidly responds to problem skin's plight with a three-part plan - sop up oily-shine, slough off sticky, dead cells, and sweep away irksome debris. Together they steer skin clear of slippery situations, refine rough texture and pull the plug on troublemakers to oust potential outbursts. I've only used this mask twice and it was nice, when I used it I had some of those under the skin blemishes than can be quite painful, this mask helped alleviate the redness and discomfort. After use my skin definitely felt much smoother.I love the smell its really fresh and minty, it kind on reminds me of shaving cream. It's incredible gentle, I would recommend it to someone with sensitive skin.


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