So I promptly took my "wake-up" photo of our view & suited up for the day with the perfect lather of SPF30/Bronzer- I was READY! We marched downstairs to meet up with Kyle & Brad for breakfast. Chad & Kristin joined up with us as they made their way downstairs. And, Kris found us after her morning workout.
One of my most anticipated "cant wait for vacation" things is mimosas with breakfast! I don't know what it is but those things are SO darn good in the morning before a day of sun! Kris and I quickly figured out that they will serve mimosas all day long and all around the hotel but they are served with FRESH OJ only in the mornings and only down in the main poolside restaurant, no where else on the resort. If ordered anywhere else you'll be getting a yucky, gross Orange Fanta Mimosa, yuck.

During breakfast it started to rain. Sooo...we sat back in our breakfast chairs, hung our bags on the [OH SO COOL!] purse tree, ordered another round of mimosas & coffee for everyone- we were all figuring that the rain would pass soon, so we'll just wait it out- no biggy! Well... that "soon" came and then that "soon" went... it was still raining and we had ordered yet another round of mimosas... no sun and all rain really wasn't all THAT bad... {at least for now}

After about 4 hours (NO LIE) there was NOT a single sign of the rain letting up anytime soon, if at all. It was now time to make the best of a rainy day in Cancun. We had no option but to get in the pool [to keep warm/ the water was like a bathtub!] and play some volleyball. I made sure Aaron was positioned near me so that he could get the ball for me- I served a couple of good volleys, that was about it- I am not the MOST athletic of the group, nor do I strive to be! ;) Best part... a stern, but friendly, warning from the "sun adviser" [my DREAM job] to be sure that we are all wearing sun protection, because "the sun is still very hot even with this little bit of rain" a little!?

After lots and lots of time in the water [this is HUGE for me, i am also NOT a water girl!] we were all vollied out. Aaron and I took a little stroll down the beach to shell hunt. Aaron LOVES the water and really LOVES the Cancun water! Even on a cloudy day the water was still really really pretty!

After enough time in the water for Aaron and tons of sand blasting to my face via wind & rain- we headed for the room to seek dry clothes. AND what do you know... the sun adviser was RIGHT!! we emerged this rainy rainy day with proof of hidden sun! TAN LINES! yesssssssss i looooove me some tan lines, proof of a hard days work!
With this day being the eve of The Campion Wedding, our dinner plans were to be the grooms dinner over at the neighboring resort The Royal Cancun with the entire wedding group. We didn't know what we were in for when heading to this resort- but after just a quick walk next door we already felt like we were in a WHOLE NEW WORLD!! Every room in this EXTREMELY grand hotel has an ocean view. Everything about this place was huge & grand... very very nice! We knew when we booked that it would be pretty nice seeing that it was too far out of our budget- so a pre-wedding dinner here was a fun and unexpected treat, thanks to the wedding couple!

Our 4 course fancy meal was thoroughly enjoyed while listening to some really great speeches given by the Rick & Angela's siblings [MOH Liz & Best Man Dustin], parents and friends. The room was filled with so much love, the perfect night to kick off their wedding, something that is sure to be one of the best days of their lives.

After dinner we roamed The Royal and stumbled upon the 24hour lounge with self serve drinks, games and snacks. We all gathered here for pool, ping pong and evening cocktails. We each slowly parted ways with the group. It was another early night for Aaron and I. We felt that we were needing to save up enough fun & energy for the upcoming wedding. aka #wereold

Be sure to come back tomorrow to read all about our afternoon shopping & walking the streets of Cancun BEFORE the Campion Wedding on Day 2 in Cancun!