City of Cherry Hill (NJ) is accepting apps for FIREFIGHTER/EMT Until: July 14, 2017. For details about thousands of other fire departments looking to hire firefighters Join today… Fill out your PROFILE and get access to thousands of career firefighter recruitment’s across the Country. FREE 7 Day Pass
City of Cherry Hill (NJ)
is accepting applications for:
Position / Title: Firefighter/EMT
Job posting date: 06/19/2017
Job ID: 87460
Testing Agency: City of Cherry Hill
Job Category: FireFighter
State: NJ
County: CAMDEN
City: Cherry Hill
Zip Code: 08003
Posting Type: Filing deadline
Filing Date: 07/14/2017
Pay Type: Paid Position
Job Link:
Job Email:
Candidates must meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in NJ Statutes: Title 40A;14:
Be at least 21 years of age at time of hire
Not older than 35 years of age at time of appointment (hire)
At least 19 years of age on date of the written test date (November 11, 2017)
Additional requirements include:
4 year high school diploma or acceptable GED
Valid State Driver’s License
Applicant must be a citizen of the United States
Special Filing Instructions:
There will be a $25.00 processing fee to take the Firefighter / EMT Exam. The fee is payable when you submit your completed application by credit card or e-check. All completed applications are due by 4:00 pm on Friday, July 14, 2017 NO EXCEPTIONS.
Contact Info:
An application can be found at the link above.
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